New News….
Well, there’s not that much of it I am afraid!
Last week, I worked with a local school making Chinese lanterns with willow and tissue. For two days, I worked with Year 6’s (or for you of a certain age, fourth year juniors!) – one class each day – 22 lovely children each day. It was a challenge to get done, but the kids worked really hard and by the end of each day we had a classroom full of pretty, rabbit inspired lanterns. By Wednesday, I thought I’d gone deaf though, as I didn’t hear anybody calling my name, or ‘Miss’ for ages…
Sadly the weather wasn’t very nice on Saturday for the Chinese New Year celebrations on Ilkeston market place – after those howling winds (where’s my fence panel gone? Did it skip off into the sunset with the trampoline cover?) – although there was still a good turn-out for the dancing and festivities. Just not many lanterns – not that they stayed lit in all that wind.

Listing on Etsy is a bit addictive… mind you, checking how many views the items in your shop has had is even more so! They say a watched pot never boils, so I need to stay away!
I’ve got to start thinking of new ideas – I am loving using the decals, but I want to start designing my own – although my supplier does some lovely ones, they aren’t unique. And I also have some ideas I want to try out for the exhibitions that are coming up in spring.
I might share with you when I have had a play!