
It’s nearly time for the IFG!

Wow, I am actually writing a blog post – it’s been a while since I’ve done one of those!

Truth is, I haven’t had a lot to talk about lately.  I’m plodding away at the studio, and I’ve been working at schools and a local hospice.  I sometimes share my work on my Facebook page or Twitter, because it’s a quick and easy fix, but as I am now trying to move my work forward, I will attempt to update the blog a bit more often!

I am making a few new pieces, and hope to be officially stocked by a new gallery soon.  I am also going to be displaying work in a local coffee shop, run by an old, old school friend and her brother, who are moving their lovely eatery to newer, larger premises soon – and my lovely friend Julie wants a selection of local artists work to display (and sell).

I will have some new work to show you, but meanwhile here’s the piece that will be in the CGS exhibition “Wish You Were Here” as part of the long overdue, eagerly awaited International Festival of Glass at Stourbridge at the end of May.  I am just ever so excited to be going along, a glass feast for the eyes for two whole days!

Dawn Turner CGS Wish You Were Here 72dpi