Fusing For Beginners – New Class Date
Alongside one day fusing workshops, I am in the process of sorting my studio space and planning a series of shorter session where students will attend for several weeks of shorter classes.
Prices and number of weeks to be finalised, but there are several benefits to offering this to customers. You are not committing a full day of your time all in one go; it may be easier to find one evening a week or fortnight. You get a chance to respond to, and develop your work. You get a chance to perhaps work on a more complex project. If you are interested, please get in touch and I will contact you when I have some firm dates in place.
Meanwhile! I am running a one day beginners fusing workshop on Saturday, 22nd August down at Shed 2 Studios. We will learn how to cut glass, starting with plain window glass, and progress throughout the day to work with coloured glass and accessories. I show you a variety of techniques of cutting, layering, decorating glass and by the end of the day, you will have made several of your own pieces ready for firing. Perhaps some pendants, and a sun catcher or a coaster. We’re really flexible about what you can make, but I will be there to guide you at every stage along the way.
If you’d like to book onto this session, please get in touch, details on my contact page.