New Year, New Work!
Happy New Year! I know, we’re already nearly a week in, so I am a little bit late with my good wishes – but I mean it all the same!
It ended up being a crazy busy last few weeks of the 2018; it’s been a pretty good one for me (okay, that’s an understatement, it’s been a great year). But it was also deeply tinged with sadness as I had to have my beloved cat, Clover, put to sleep about ten days before Christmas. Not really how I wanted to begin a new year…
So I don’t get all maudlin, because I do miss her terribly, I am keeping this post brief, and just remembering her with love.
And it was love that inspired this piece I made to commission just before the holidays. The idea came from a very lovely gentleman I have known for years (we happen to be related too!); together we developed it into this piece. I was thrilled with the results.
So, if you didn’t already know I took commissions, you do now. Using these techniques, I can put pretty much any wording on, and colours of both glass and lettering, and font, can all be tailored to your needs. Wouldn’t this make a fantastic wedding or special anniversary gift, or commemorate a special occasion?