• General

    Glass On The Go Gets Going!

    I’ve just recently created a pricing structure for my Glass On The Go workshops, where we bring creativity to you!

    There are lots of options within these packages, but it gives a clearer idea and starting point if you’re thinking of inviting me to come and do a workshop at your place!

  • General

    How Do I Book On One Of Your Workshops?

    I get asked this question quite a lot;  and at one point, I would have listings on the website, listings on Facebook, listings on Eventbrite… book via Paypal, book direct; you name it, I seemed to offer it!

    To make my life a little bit easier, all bookings go  through Craft Courses.  If you still have a voucher, purchased or received  previously from me, these are still valid.  Please get in touch directly if you’re still looking to redeem one of these for a workshop.   You can find more details about the types of courses I offer by clicking here:  Workshops – you can also book from this page,

    When you click on any of the options, it will take you to the Craft Courses website.  You don’t need to have an account to book, you can checkout as guest.

    You will see available dates when you click on the booking link


  • General

    Exciting News!

    Hi All

    As some of you who know me personally, you will know that throughout my time as a glass and community artist, I have continued to work a part-time job.

    It’s only a few hours, and my boss has been a dream to work for, allowing me to be flexible on my hours, my days, etc depending on  the needs of MY business; as long as I was looking after what I do for his.

    But the time has come to finally step out fully on my own.  I’ve talked about it, I’ve planned it, I’ve even started training someone before.

    But then the pandemic hit, and for various reasons, the training stopped.  I had to re-evaluate my business to survive the lockdowns, as nearly everything I did was in person. Workshops, events, or selling via galleries, which were of course, closed.

    We’re now at the new normal, and still in uncertain times I guess.  However, I have never felt so sure of anything in my life, and as of the start of September, I am going to be fully self-employed.  No pesky little part-time job getting in my way (joking, it’s been a lifeline really)

    There’s been changes to what I make, changes to the studio, new equipment and most importantly probably – a new mindset.

    There’s a few people to thank that have helped me a long my way, somehow – but I am ready!  So I am going for it, and the countdown is on!

    Wish me luck!